英政府公佈移民法更改,包括BNO visa人士,將影響Dependent人士和30個月簽證人士

 英國政府the GOV.UK 在2024年3月14日公佈了移民法規變更聲明。有關的移民法規變更將影響部分港人。

其中一項變更是針對dependent (家屬或依賴人)的。

• 英國政府容許BNO主申請人的成年Dependent 因為情況改變而不能獨立生活,稍後申請並與主申請人在英國團聚。Allow Adult Dependent Relatives on the BN(O) route to apply later to join the main applicant in the UK where there has been a change in their circumstances, and they can no longer live independently.

• 取消對BNO主申請人的伴侶和成年Dependent的申請期限,以便他們可以在英國團聚。跟據現在的法規,伴侶和成年Dependent須在主申請人申請後的24小時內申請。Remove the requirement for partners and adult dependent relatives to have their permission end on the same date as the main applicant where they can apply to join them later in the UK. This will allow UKVI caseworkers to grant family members the full length of permission they apply for.


• 取消了「無法獲得公共資金」的條件。Enable applicants to be granted further permission to stay on the route with access to public funds where they have previously varied their permission to remove the no access to public funds condition and continue to meet the eligibility requirements to be granted access to public funds.

• 申請了30個月簽證的申請人可以加上多28天的許可,以便他們在滿足五年居住需求時,無需要額外申請臨時居住許可。Allow decision makers to add up to 28 days of existing permission under the BN(O) route onto an applicant's further permission to stay where the applicant has applied for a 30-month visa. This will assist them in completing a five-year qualifying period required for settlement, without having to make a further temporary permission application.

詳細資料請瀏覽gov.uk 按此進入

筆者首先「帶頭盔」聲明本人不是法律界或移民業界人士,只是根據Government UK網頁進行翻譯,並加上個人意見,所有意見有可能不準確,筆者不會附上任何責任。任何人士在移民過程中,若有任何問題或作出決定前請務必向專業人士垂詢。

本文是由writerwong 編寫,如有任何意見,請電郵予writerwonguk@gmail.com



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