
目前顯示的是 4月, 2024的文章

聽講答錯呢條問題就會fail 各位準司機請注意

 聽講呢個係考官會問嘅問題(各位準司機請注意):  考官: I will ask you a question, if you answer this one right, I will let you pass.  學生:Alright, thank you very much. 考官: Listen, There is an old man and there is  a young kid at the light, so what do you hit first ?  學生:Hit the old man, suppose …… because the young kid has the whole life…… 考官:No No No ! You have to hit the brake !  (圖片與內容無關) 各位司機,駕駛時遇到了一個老人和一個小朋友,你hit 乜嘢先?  Hit the brake 囉!